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WRI believes that scientific biological education is critical to conserving the remaining wildlife and wild places in our eco-system.  Only when the latest research is combined with common sense can we make appropriate conservation decisions.  We are committed to providing educational outreach for families such as our Hawk Watch program (see HW tab). 

We encourage teachers, home school programs, and parents to use our Wild News issues (see Wild News tab) to design curricula, and to feel free to download and use any pdfs on this page also. A portion of WRI’s efforts involves translating research findings into a format or vehicle that is understandable by the general public.  The public, ultimately, forms the public policy that determines how resources are used or conserved.  WRI believes that only an informed public can make wise decisions.  To this end, we publish and present papers on our results and provide input to various environmental impact documents, which are available for public review and comment.  In addition, we give conservation biology-based talks to local and regional groups, present scientific papers at the national and international level, conduct seminars for agency staff, and lead habitat/wildlife-oriented tours.



Empowering our Members


Saving Wildlife Together

WRI has several educational initiatives based on our scientific research findings. We believe that the more you know, the more you can advocate for the wildlife and wild places that should be able to speak for themselves, but unfortunately need our help now more than ever. We're here to help you do your part!

are poisoning our ecosystem

Poison Free California

Wildlife are being poisoned at unprecedented rates as humans have introduced anticoagulant rodenticides (a.k.a. rat poisons) onto the landscape as a way to "control" nuisance rodent populations. In fact, the damage they cause to our wild predator populations makes rodent problems even worse. It's time we get rodent control under control with Poison-Free CA

Barn Owls from WRI back in Box.JPG

Living with Lions,


Predator in Peril

Saving Our Mountain Lions

Mountain lions are a top predator and a staple of healthy wild ecosystems. The encroachment of human sprawl has squeezed their once remote habitat. We have put much  of our infrastructure in prime lion habitat, which inevitably has increased the frequency of human-lion interaction.


Keeping hobby animals such as goats and chickens in our neighborhoods within lion habitat is the leading cause of interaction and potential conflict with lions... and can be solved with lion-proof animal husbandry to prevent baiting lions in.  We have to be conscious about living among our native lions and adapting our behaviors to protect this apex species in peril.

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Saving Lions

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Photo credit: Wildlife Research Institute Biologists Dave Bittner & Katie Quint and

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